Chiropractic Testimonials

"Arrived in FL August 2004, looked in the yellow pages for a Palmer Graduate. Seems the pages just happened to open to Etheredge Chiropractic. Pleased to say after 7 years plus I am still seeing Dr. Etheredge approximately every 4 - 6 weeks to keep my body in great shape. Supplement the adjustments with lots of exercise and most recently laser treatments did wonders for my right forearm and wrist. Words cannot express my appreciation for the professional reception and treatment I receive each visit to your office and have referred many persons to your offices."

- Donna D.

"I was pretty sick and I went to my doctor and she subscribed an allergy medicine - I asked if maybe I should see a chiropractor and she said not at that time. I left the office, did not fill the script and went straight to Etheredge Chiropractic and within a week I was perfectly ok once again. Thank you!"

- Brenda W.

"After about one month of treatments for my sciatica I am just about back to normal. This is the second time I have been treated by a chiropractor. The treatment, comprising of spinal manipulation, SD therapy, electrical stimulation, and laser therapy, helped to provide a week-by-week improvement. The last two weeks I added upper body strength training and cardio on a bike and elliptical. I highly recommend the Etheredge Chiropractic practice!"

- Phil W.

"My sincere thanks to all of you at Etheredge Chiropractic for your concern and good care. I had an MRI last Thursday for a leg injury. My primary doctor had not called me before my apt today at 10:30 am. Today, Dr. Etheredge had my MRI image ready on computer screen when I arrived. No attitude, as I get from my primary doctor's staff as if I were a hypochondriac about my leg problem. Doctor, you hit the nail in the head. Showed me what the problem was, and a plan of fixing the problem. NOTE: While waiting the in the reception area, I happened to strike up a conversation with a nice lady sitting next to me. She started asking me questions about "decompression therapy". I informed her how much this treatment has helped me over the years. I told her about my various treatments, especially, my upper spinal column. I had suffered in enormous pain for over 25 years. Yet, with Dr. E I had a number of decompression therapy treatments, and that pain is 99% gone. My lower back pain was almost gone. I am an advocate of decompression therapy. I tried to re-assure this new patient as she filled out her entry questionnaire, that she was in the right place. Dr. Etheredge is the best in his field. She was so nervous when we first spoke, but by the time I was called in for my appointment, she was so relieved and anticipating her relieve of pain. I write this note, today, as I am an absolute fan of this outstanding clinic. Dr. Etheredge, you and your learned staff are the best. You care. You pay attention. Oh, I did get a call from my primary doctor's office late in the day on Tuesday. They told me, just what Dr. Etheredge told me earlier in they day. The MRI (which I paid for myself --as it was in Blue Cross Review), revealed a problem. I am so disappointed in my regular physician and his staff that advertise themselves as "Excellence" that it took them five days to realize a problem. I am suffering in enormous pain. Again, thank you, Dr. Etheredge. I have more respect for you than you can ever imagine."

- Gary M.

"I signed up for a chance to win a water pillow at the Etheredge Chiropractic booth at the Leesburg Expo. I was the lucky winner! I filled the pillow with the amount of water to make it between soft and medium. I had been using a temperpedic pillow and didn’t know if I would like the water pillow as well. I LOVE IT and am using my new water pillow and put the temperpedic pillow away. Thanks Etheredge Chiropractic!"

- Joyce W.

"I am grateful for the care given me from Etheredge Chiropractic over the past 20 years. The referral to a Neurosurgeon after a scan in the office got me the relief that will stay with me for a very long time. Thanks!"

- Betty L.

"I arrived at Dr. Etheredge's office with headaches and pressure behind my eyes which I had been experiencing for quite some time. Because my condition involved my eyes, I had visited the eye doctor and after his exam, he gave me Dr. Etheredge's card. At my very first visit to Dr. Etheredge, my problem was solved. That was more than nine years ago. At that first visit, I also mentioned to Dr. Etheredge that I had pain in my right leg and lower back. Four years ago my family practitioner had sent me to a neurologist to diagnose this problem. Upon seeing him, he began a whole series of testing, even a spinal tap. He wanted to rule out MS. All my tests came out negative so he wrote in his report that it was all in my head. It is so unbelievable that a neurologist, of all doctors, never suspected the pain I was experiencing came from my sciatic nerve. Dr. Etheredge referred to my pain as pressure pain after I had described the feeling as that of wearing a tourniquet. After three months of visits, my sciatic pain was relieved. My monthly maintenance visits for over nine years now have proven very helpful. No one can tell me it was not the work of the Chiropractor that has improved my life. My experience proves otherwise."

- Carolyn S.


The Villages

Fruitland Park

Also Servicing Leesburg FL

Chiropractic The Villages FL Etheredge Chiropractic - The Villages