Chiropractic Physicians look at their patients symptoms and attempt to correct the cause of that symptom. Chiropractic care at Etheredge Chiropractic is a hands-on approach to healing the body which involves the Chiropractic adjustment, physiotherapies, exercise, and diet.
Chiropractic physicians analyze through various means including but limited to X-ay, MRI, Orthopedic and Neurological testing a assess a patients need for care. The Chiropractic adjustment is based on the treatment of misalignments within the structures of the musculoskeletal system, called subluxations. These subluxations of the vertebra that make up the spinal column can occur in the neck (cervical), mid back (thoracic), low back (lumbar-sacral-pelvic). If there is a Chiropractic subluxation at any of these levels that can affect the nerves, muscles, and organs.