Have You Injured a Disc?

disc injury can be helped by a chiropractor

Have you been told that you have a slipped disc or a disc injury? Slipped or injured discs can vary from slight to severe, but most will require at least some attention from a trained chiropractor. Etheredge Chiropractic has more than 30 years of experience helping disc injuries in The Villages FL and Fruitland Park FL.

The little pads that lie between your vertebrae are called the intervertebral discs. Each disc has a tough outer ring and a soft gel-like center, like a jelly doughnut. Your discs both join, separate, and protect your vertebrae from trauma. These discs serve as cushions or shock absorbers so that the bones don’t make contact with each other as you move. Without these discs, we would literally be unable to move our upper torso.

Bulging Discs

If you’re experiencing back pain, a dull ache to severe pain in the spinal area it may be due to a Bulging Disc. A Bulging Disc is a condition in which the cartilage between the spinal vertebrae begins to protrude from the area in which it normally exists. That protrusion resembles a small bubble that may compress on the surrounding nerves. A bulging disc may be a precurser to a herniated disc.

Common causes include:

  • Severe trauma, such as a car accident
  • Repetitive motion, mostly related to occupation
  • Improper lifting
  • Incident or trauma that occurred with activity in contact sports

Symptoms include:

  • Dull ache to severe pain in the spinal area
  • Tingling, numbness, or burning in extremities
  • Muscle weakness or spasms in extremities

Herniated Discs

The intervertebral disc is cartilage found between each of the spinal vertebrae and its function is to absorb shock and keep the spine flexible. This condition occurs when the soft gel-like substance found in the center of the disc, leaks into the spinal canal and compresses on the nerves. This can cause immense pressure and pinch the surrounding nerves that leads to a high-level of discomfort.

Common causes include:

  • Wear and tear over time
  • Repetitive motion/movements in lifestyle, work and some sports activities
  • Improper lifting
  • Injury or trauma
  • Obesity

Symptoms include:

  • Dull ache to severe pain in spinal area
  • Tingling, numbness or burning in extremities
  • Muscle weakness or spasm in extremities

Degenerative Discs

If you think you’re experiencing pain due to a degenerative disc, you’ve come to the right place. Etheredge Chiropractic has more than 30 years of experience treating degenerative discs as a chiropractor in The Villages FL and in Fruitland Park FL.

The degenerative disc condition affects discs between the vertebrae that have experienced a loss of cushion, elasticity and shock absorbing characteristics. The nerves become impinged or irritated and the discs change from a supple, flexible state that allows fluid movement, to a stiff and rigid state that restricts movement, which causes pain and weakness.

Common Symptoms:

  • Chronic pain in the neck, mid-back or lower back
  • Sporadic tingling or weakness
  • Difficulty with prolonged sitting or standing
  • Pain that worsens when sitting, bending, lifting, and twisting


  • Damage to the disc, wear from overuse
  • Usually worsens with age
  • Onset may be acute, sudden injury or over use
  • Reduced or poor physical condition

If you have any questions about our The Villages FL or Fruitland Park FL locations, or would like to learn more about chiropractic care at Etheredge Chiropractic, please give us a call.

Care Options

If you have injured discs, don't despair, there are options. With proper care, an injured or damaged disc may be restored to health. With a combination of a healthy diet, low impact exercise, and warm and cold compresses, the pain can be lessened or even completely removed.

Our treatments for disc injuries include:

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort along the spine or in your extremities, take the next step toward relief and visit us at Etheredge Chiropractic. Schedule your appointment today!

Unfortunately, in some cases of disc injury surgery may be the only option for treatment. The problem tissue will be removed by the surgery (a discectomy), which will remove the pressure on nearby tissue and nerves. With nearly half of a million discectomies performed each year, this procedure is fairly common and minimally invasive.

If you're suffering from back pain that you believe is caused by a disc injury, call our chiropractic team today at Etheredge Chiropractic to set up a consultation. The sooner you take control of your health the more options you will have for treatment.


The Villages

Fruitland Park

Also Servicing Leesburg FL

Chiropractic The Villages FL Etheredge Chiropractic - The Villages